The financing of SMEs to support and expand their operations in the eligible areas, according to their Business Plan and under the conditions of the JDT programm.
The following are not considered as acceptable financing purposes:
- The refinancing/repayment of existing borrowings,
- The financing of a dividend payment plan or the purchase of shares
- The financing of Mergers and Acquisitions and
- The purchase of land for an amount exceeding 10% of the Fund's contribution to the respective loan.
- Relocation expenses*
* Relocation costs mean the costs of an investment project that includes the same or similar activity that has arisen from or has undergone relocation during the last two years from the territory of another contracting party to the EEA Agreement.
Loan Amount
For De Minimis loans: From €50,000 to €1,400,000 per business
For loans under the General Block Exception Regulation aid scheme: From €50,000 to €16,500,000 per company.
For De Minimis loans: From 2 to 10 years
For loans under the General Block Exception Regulation aid scheme: From 2 to 12 years
Interest Rate
Fixed for the entire loan duration or Variable based on Euribor 1m /3m /6m plus margin
**The interest rates are charged with contribution of L.128 / 75 for the part of the bank’s funds (60%), which currently amounts to 0.60% .
The customer's final interest rate is determined on the basis of an assessment of its Creditworthiness.
Interest rate subsidy
Two-year partial interest rate subsidy of 3%*.
*Is irrevocably terminated in the event of an overdue payment of more than 90 days
Does not cover the contribution of Law 128/75 and the overdue interest rate which burdens the borrower in any case.
Small Business & Proffessionals (Turnover ≤ €2,5 mio): Monthly or Quarterly Amortization or installment payments
For Medium Εnterprises, Semi – annual Installments option is also provided
Early repayment
Early partial or full repayment is possible without any charge. The capital repaid can not be refinanced.
Euro (€)
Disbursements can be either one-off or partial.
The first disbursement can not be < €50.000 and should be made within four (5) months from the signing of the Contract.
Αll disbursements are made on presentation of invoices which will be checked for their eligibility and their relevance to the submitted business plan.
Personal Guarantees and / or Material Collaterals. Material Collaterals can reach 25% of the loan amount.
Availability Period
The availability period expires on 31.12.2029