How to participate in Yellow Business?

Individual Enterprises & Professionals

To participate in Yellow Business, you have to:

  1. become a Member of Yellow Program through:
  2. acquire the Business Debit or Business Credit card through the Bank's branch network.

In case you already are a Member of Yellow Rewards Program and you own Business Debit or Business Credit Card, then you are automatically a Yellow Business Member.

Yellow Business allows you to earn yellows also from your professional transactions, which are collected in the same Yellow Account that you already have. As a result, you can redeem even more yellows at the Program’s Partners.

Legal entities:

To become a Yellow Business Member, you have to:

  1. visit a Bank branch
  2. be the Legal Representative of the Legal Entity
  3. get the Business Debit card that participates in the Program.

By registering in Yellow Business, the Legal Representative may define the Business Cards of the Legal Entity that will have the option of redemption and also redeem yellows for the acquisition of Yellow offers.

How to earn yellows ?

Individual Enterprises & Professionals

You earn yellows with all the collection methods of the Yellow Rewards Program and also by participating in Yellow Business:

  • with purchases and payments using the Business Cards participating in the Program
  • with the disbursement of a Piraeus Business e-Working Capital
  • with the limit opening of a Piraeus Open Business e-Working Capital
  • by executing a payroll package

The yellows you earn from both your personal and business transactions are collected in the same Yellow Account.

Legal Entities

You earn yellows through all of the following ways:

  • with the enrollment in the Program
  • with purchases and payments using the Business Debit Cards participating in the Program
  • with the disbursement of a Piraeus Business e-Working Capital
  • with the limit opening of a Piraeus Open Business e-Working Capital
  • by executing a payroll package
  • by using Piraeus Business e-banking service

How to redeem yellows ?

You can redeem yellows with one of the following ways:

  1. At the POS / e-POS of the Program Partners

    Individual Enterprises & Professionals

    You can redeem all or part of the yellows you have collected from both your personal and professional transactions using cards participating in the Program.

    Legal entities

    You redeem with the business Debit Card of the company, all or part of the yellows that are collected in the Yellow Account.
    The yellows of the company, can be redeemed only through the Business Debit Cards defined by the Legal Representative, during the registration in the Program.

  2. In Yellow only Vouchers*, acquired from Piraeus Bank Branches and/or the Yellow app*.

    *Exclusively for Professionals and Individual Enterprises.

  3. In Discount Offers exclusively through the Υellow app*.

    *Exclusively for Professionals and Individual Enterprises.

Who are the Program Partners ?

The Yellow Rewards Program has a wide network of Partners (available only in Greece) to cover every personal and / or professional need, where you can earn even more yellows and redeem them either at their physical or online stores.

In addition, by participating in Yellow Business, you enjoy special offers for consumables, energy, fuel, travel and other services from companies cooperating with the Program.