Incoming Remittances

Remittance in euro or foreign currencies from abroad and inside the country. Through Piraeus Bank’s Incoming Remittance Service, you can receive funds in your bank account from worldwide. Choose high transaction level security to receive your money and to transfer your personal and banking data.


  • Simple procedure
  • Secure funds transfer via a technologically advanced payments system
  • Same day credit of your account (remittances in Euro currency, when they received within the Bank΄s cut off time).
  • Possibility of immediate and continuous information regarding to your account credits via notifications (alerts)
  • High transaction level security to receive your money and to transfer your personal and banking data.

Why I should use Incoming Remittance Service

If you wish to have gathered your money collections (eg rent payments receipts or various other collections) and to be able to monitor them at any time, you can choose to receive your money via Incoming Remittance Service and have access to your account transactions information through Piraeus Bank Piraeus e-banking and Piraeus app.