Methods for updating Individuals data
For updating your personal information, you can choose one of the following available methods:
A) Through Piraeus e-banking or Piraeus app, by transmitting information from the eGov-KYC electronic application of the Digital Portal of Public Administration After logging in with your personal credentials on Piraeus e-banking or the Piraeus app, you will be redirected to the website. Following authentication with your personal TAXISnet credentials, you will be able to view your available information and, if you consent, this information will be transmitted to the bank without the need to attach documents certifying this information. Note that through this process, you can change your identification document (only if it is a Greek Identity Card). The process is fully automated, and upon completion, you will be informed on your Piraeus e-banking about the outcome of the update of your information.
B) Through Piraeus e-banking, by attaching identification documents. If you do not have TAXISnet credentials or you do not remember them, to update your information, you can electronically submit the required documents through Piraeus e-banking. After logging in with your personal credentials on Piraeus e-banking, you can see which of your data needs to be updated and, after uploading the required documents, if they are complete and correct, you can conclude the process online. It is a prerequisite that you have already provided a valid identification document to the bank, as through this process you can only confirm the already declared identification document and not change it.
Upon completion of the processing of your documents, you will be informed on Piraeus e-banking about the outcome of the update.
For the full list of forms that you can upload through this process, please refer here.
C) By visiting a branch. If none of the above methods serve you, or you do not have TAXISnet or Piraeus e-banking credentials, or if you lack some of the documents mentioned above, alternatively, you can make an appointment at any branch of our network to provide the required documents and proceed with updating your information.
Documents for updating Individual Customer Information
Depending on whether you are a Greek Citizen, a Citizen of a European country, or a Citizen of a Non-EU country, please find below the indicative documents accepted for updating your information, by category:
Identification Details
For Greek citizens:
- Identity Card or
- Valid Passport (including the Special Travel Document) or
- Armed and Security Forces member Identity card
For European Union (EU) citizens:
- Valid Passport or
- EU Citizen Identity Card (bilingual and with Latin characters)
For non EU citizens:
- Valid Passport, or
- Special Identity Card for Expatriates (issued by the Hellenic Police), or
- Special Asylum Seekers Card or Card for Beneficiaries of International/Subsidiary Protection, or Residence Permit (if you do not have a passport or other travel document)
Tax Identification Number (AFM/TIN)
- Latest Income Tax Assessment Act, or
- Tax residence certificate (for the certification of the Tax Identification Number), or
- Proof of Tax Identification Number Assignment
Financial Details
- Latest Income Tax Return Assessment or
- Solemn declaration regarding the non-obligation to submit a Tax Return
Residential Address
- Recent Utility Bill (electricity, gas, or water) or Telecommunication Provider Bill (landline or mobile), or
- Recent printout of a submitted (to the Public Financial Service-DOY) Property Lease Information Statement, or
- Residence certificate from a Public Authority of the customer's country of residence (for residents abroad), or
- Latest Income Tax Return Assessment
Contact Phone Number
- Recent telecommunications provider bill (home or mobile), or
- Certificate from a telecommunications provider or representative
Profession and Business Address
- Employer's Certification, or
- Copy of the latest payroll, or
- Valid Professional Identity Card (issued by a professional association in the form of a Legal Entity under Public Law), or
- Business commencement declaration, or
- Social Security Clearance Certificate, or
- Recent printout of a submitted (to the Public Financial Service DOY) Property Lease Information Statement – for professional premises lease
- Individuals are defined as Private Customers, Self-employed Professionals, and Sole Proprietorships.
- A non Gr Tax Identification number can only be accepted if the country of tax residence belongs to the countries that participate in the Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information for Tax Purposes (CRS), or the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) .
- For any document with an expiration date, this is valid until that expires. Documents with a date of issue are regarded recent, if that date is:
- Within the current tax/economic year for Income Tax Return Assessment or the Solemn Declaration regarding the non-obligation to submit a Tax Return,
- within the last six months for documents such as telecommunications bills, electricity bills, energy bills, certificates, professional certification, etc.
- If you are a foreign resident and your certification documents are in a language other than Greek or English, they can only be submitted to a Branch of our network. In order to be accepted, they must be translated into Greek or English and certified by the Greek Embassy or the Greek Consulate or the Notary Public of the respective country or by an official Greek Public Authority.
Updating Legal Persons customer data and documents
Credit Institutions operating in Greece, are required to keep and periodically verify, on the basis of reliable documentary evidence, the customers' identity and income details. The identity of Legal Persons of any form (companies, associations, organizations, institutions, etc.), domestic and foreign, shall be certified by producing the appropriate legal and tax documentation, in order to ascertain:
- the Legal Person's company name
- the registered head office
- the purpose
- the manner of representation
- the share capital composition
Simultaneously, it is also required to fully certify and verify the identity of any Individuals, who are associated to the Legal Person,
such as:
- the legal representatives and
- the shareholders or beneficial owners, as indicated either by the legitimization documents or by the respective statement of the company's legal representative, when such a declaration is required under the applicable procedures
The required supporting documents to certify and verify the identity of any Individuals, associated to the Legal Person can be found here.
Note: As regards the aforementioned Individuals, it is not required to certify their income by means of an income tax slip, it might be however necessary to state and verify their tax residence.