Piraeus Accounting Balance Alerts

What are they

The Piraeus Accounting Balance Alerts for businesses notify you:

  • Every time the accounting balance of your business account changes

  • When the accounting balance of your account is lower, higher or equal to a reference amount you have specified

The accounting balance of your business account may change due to a transaction carried out by anyone and from anywhere:

  • You, another beneficiary or a third party

  • Transaction through ATM, Piraeus e-banking or another channel

  • Piraeus Bank without an order, e.g. interest payment or withheld tax

How to set them

 1.  Specify the account you want to monitor.

 2.  Choose in which cases you want to receive alerts. Το The system may notify you every time a change is recorded in the accounting        balance of your account:
    • Irrespective of the amount or the reason for the change

    • In relation to 1 reference amount (minimum or maximum) you have specified

    • In relation to 2 reference amounts (minimum or maximum) you have specified

 3.  Specify the reference amounts (e.g. minimum or maximum amount), provided they are required for the alerts you have selected.

 4.  Specify the period for which you want to receive alerts:
    • From when and up until when you want to receive alerts

    • What times of the day you want to receive alerts (silent times)

You can activate or deactivate the Piraeus Accounting Balance Alerts at any time.