Piraeus Bank collaborates with epay (Euronet Merchant Services.) to provide card payment services in physical and online stores. Within this framework, the following offerings are provided:
Α) Preferential pricing for transactions on physical EFT/POS terminals. Each business can choose one of the following two options for basic pricing, either MIXED or DETAILED pricing:
MIXED Pricing - Basic Charges per Transaction
Transaction Type (Visa/MasterCard cards) |
Commission |
For transactions with a value from €0.01 to €5.00 |
€0.02 per transaction |
For transactions with a value > €5.00 |
With Piraeus Bank-issued Personal cards |
0,60% & 0,01€ / transaction |
With Personal cards issued by other banks within EEA |
0,64% & 0,01€ / transaction |
With Personal cards issued by banks outside EEA |
1,10% |
With Corporate cards by other banks within EEA |
1,65% |
With Corporate by other banks outside EEA |
2,35% |
Regardless of the card type, in the case of detailed pricing**, the following fees apply:
IRF (Interchange Reimbursement Fee) + Scheme Cost + 0.30% per transaction as the Acquirer Clearing Services Fee ("ACS") paid to ePay for providing transaction clearing services.
China Union Pay cards: 1.60% per successful transaction.
New Generation Android-Based POS Terminals
The first wired terminal is provided for free (without upfront activation fee or monthly management cost).
All additional terminals will be provided with charges specified in detail in epay' s official price list.
Additional flexibility with SoftPOS application free of charge which enables your Android mobile phone to function as a terminal (free of charge one-time activation fee / monthly management cost)
The above applies to new cooperation agreements.
B) Preferential pricing for e-commerce. Each business can support its sales through the Internet using multiple integration methods depending on the capabilities and needs of its e-shop (redirection, iFrame, web service) and choose one of the following two options for basic pricing, either MIXED or DETAILED pricing:
MIXED Pricing* - Basic Charges per Transaction
Transaction Type (Visa/MasterCard cards) |
Commission |
With Personal cards issued by Piraeus Bank |
0,60% & 0,01€ / transaction |
With Personal cards issued by other banks within EEA |
0,64% & 0,01€ / transaction |
With Debit cards issued by banks outside EEA |
2,60% |
With Credit cards issued by banks outside EEA) |
2,90% |
With Corporate cards issued by banks within EEA |
1,65% |
With Corporate cards issued by banks outside EEA |
2,90% |
Detailed Invoicing*
Regardless of the card type, in the case of detailed invoicing**, the charges include IRF + Scheme Cost + 0.30% per transaction as Transaction Clearing Services Fee ("ACS") paid to epay for the provision of transaction clearing services.
*New cooperation agreements must be signed for the above to be valid.
- The above charges apply per successful transaction, exempt from VAT according to current regulations. If VAT or any other tax/fee/economic burden is imposed on transactions/services, the business will be charged accordingly.
- Credit to the account is made within one (1) working day from the submission of the transaction for clearing, free of charge, or alternatively within one (1) calendar day from the submission of the transaction for clearing, with a charge of €4.00 per MID per month (service 'AllWeekPay').
** Regulation (EU) 2015/751 and the 2nd Payment Services Directive (PSD2) provide businesses with the ability to invoice for card acceptance services using a transparent fee model known as Interchange++. This model consists of three cost components: (1) Interchange, which refers to the interbank fees charged by card-issuing banks and is described on the websites of International Card Schemes. As an example, the current interbank fees are 0.20% for debit card transactions by individuals in businesses within the EEA with card-present transactions (which represent the majority of transactions), and 0.30% for credit card transactions by individuals, respectively. Under certain conditions, in some transactions and depending on the card's type, country of issuance, or usage, the interbank fee can range from 0.20% to 2.00%. (2) The costs imposed by Card Schemes on the transaction - these costs are detailed on our website www.epayworldwide.gr. Indicatively, these costs range from 0.10% for transactions at physical terminals to 0.70% for online or MO/TO transactions. (3) The fees and other costs of the Acquiring Service Provider.
Illustrative example of cost calculation using the Interchange++ model:
For a transaction amount of €50 with a Visa debit card issued to individuals, using Interchange + 0.30% invoicing, the corresponding Interchange fee is €0.10 (€50 X 0.20%), the Card Schemes' costs are €0.05 (€50 X 0.10%), and the epay fee and other costs amount to €0.15 (€50 X 0.30%). Therefore, the business's account will be credited with €49.70 (€50 - €0.10 - €0.05 - €0.15) for this specific transaction.