Remittances via Piraeus e-banking from Piraeus Bank that allow you to enjoy low-cost, secure transfers of business funds in euro or foreign currencies anywhere in the world.
Low-cost, rapid service remittances in euro or foreign currencies to Greece and abroad at Piraeus Bank branches.

Instant Payment Plus

piraeus bank

Your business payments within 10'' and free of charge for your partners.

IRIS payments service

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Manage instantly your business collections and micropayments via your mobile phone, only by using TIN or mobile phone number.

Incoming Remittance Service for Businesses

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Collect your receipts from worldwide directly and securely through Piraeus Bank’s Incoming Remittance Service.

e-PPS & e-PPS SEPA Mass Payments Services via File

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Piraeus Bank Mass Payments Services allow you to create and send a file with multiple payments to third parties, remittances to other banks and transfer of funds within Piraeus Bank.

SWIFT gpi Service

gpi swift

You may track your business payments to your partners & suppliers, via the innovative Global Payments Innovation service of SWIFT.

Cheque book

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Piraeus Bank offers one more payment instrument for your obligations, the cheque book.