“Exoikonomo 2023”

At Piraeus, we support your plans for the energy upgrade of your main residence through the «EXOIKONOMO  2023» program of the Ministry of Environment and Energy. 

The «Exoikonomo 2023» program  is designed for energy saving interventions in the residential building sector, aiming at reducing energy needs and the consumption of conventional fuels. The program «Exoikonomo 2023» operates under the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan Greece 2.0 with funding from the European Union – NextGenerationEU.

The program is addressed to individuals whose main residence falls under a high energy consumption category and provides financial incentives in the form of:

  • grant up to 75%,
  • loan (1) with full interest subsidy,
  • no loan expenses,
  • coverage of the following costs: Energy Performance Certificates (EPC), Project Consultant, potential assessments - required approvals-licenses and issuance of the Electronic Building Identity.
  • Greek State guarantee(2) for the 1st income category

In addition, if you are a beneficiary of the program, by applying for loan from Piraeus,
you can enjoy a range of offers designed exclusively for you:

  • 10.000 yellows (3) after the final disbursement of the loan  
  • Green Consumer loan with preferential pricing available for additional liquidity in order to cover further green needs
  • ERGO My Home insurance program, from 1,7€/sqm(4)

(1) The loan is not co-funded. The levy of Law 128/75 is set at 0.12% and is paid by the beneficiary.
Loan applications are submitted according to the deadlines set by the program and are evaluated according to the bank's credit policy.

(2)100% guarantee is provided for house ownership and 80% for rental/donation.

(3)Yellows will be credited to the account of the main borrower of the loan who must be a member of the yellow Rewards Program, up to 35 days after the final disbursement of the loan.

(4)The price is indicative for an apartment of 90 sq.m., in Athens, built in 1990, with building coverage of 135.000€ and insurance policy exemptions are applied. Terms and conditions apply.

(100% subsidized for the entire duration of the loan plus levy of L.128/75 (today set at 0.12%).
4, 5 or 6 years
Up to €13.500
  • 100% subsidized loan rate
  • Grant for part of the cost of interventions
  • No loan expenses
  • Greek State Guarantee for the 1st income category
(100% subsidized for the entire duration of the loan plus levy of L.128/75 (today set at 0.12%).
4, 5 or 6 years
Up to €13.500
  • 100% subsidized loan rate
  • Grant for part of the cost of interventions
  • No loan expenses
  • Greek State Guarantee for the 1st income category

Program brief description

The Program is funded from the resources of the Recovery and Resilience Fund, the funds are distributed per Regional Unit (P.E.) and its goal is to contribute to the energy renovation of at least 105,000 houses by 2025. In charge of the implementation of the program is the Technical Chamber of Greece and the Financial Management is carried out by the Hellenic Development Bank S.A.

  • The basic criteria for a property to be eligible for the Program are the following:
    • it should be used as a main residence by the applicant/or the tenant /or a person to whom the residence is donated.
    • It should be legitimate (bears a building permit or other legitimate document).
    • It should be classified according to the Energy Efficiency Certificate (EEP) in a category less than or equal to C.
    • It must not be characterized as demolishable.
  • Eligibility criteria for the applicant:
    1. Ownership of the eligible property
    2. Fulfillment of the income criteria as defined by the program in the following link(https://exoikonomo2023.gov.gr)


  • In case of co-owners of the eligible residence:
    • only the owner who resides in the property has the right to participate in the Program
    • in the case that the eligible house is rented only the main owner has the right to participate in the Program, with the consent of the rest.
  • In the case that the eligible house is not used, only the main owner has the right to participate in the Program
  • Short-term rental residences are not eligible.

The maximum grant percentage for all categories of applications (individual apartment, detached house) as defined by the program, is available at the official web portal (https://exoikonomo2023.gov.gr).

  • Grant will be disbursed partially in two installments as follows:

Grant Advance: after the Decision issuance, 70% of the grant is deposited into a bank account you will have declared to the Information System. The amount is unrestricted and will be transferred to the suppliers according to the orders you enter in the program's Information System, after you first pay the suppliers from your own funds or the loan advance.

Final Grant disbursement: upon completion of the interventions, the 2nd energy inspection (2nd EEP), the check of the supporting documents that will be uploaded on the Information System and the approval by the Technical Chamber of Greece for the final disbursement, the remaining 30% of the grant will be credited to your account to pay the suppliers/contractors.

  • The eligible interventions concern the following categories of save energy interventions:
    • Window frame replacement/Shading systems /Ventilation systems
    • Thermal insulation installation / upgrade
    • Heating / cooling system upgrade
    • Hot Water System using Renewable Energy Sources (RES)
    • Other save energy interventions (Installation of smart management systems-smart home). It is noted that this intervention is eligible only when energy saving interventions are also included in the energy upgrade proposal.
  • The total eligible budget for the implementation of interventions cannot exceed:
    • €22.500 for a detached house/individual apartment/apartment as part of an application in an apartment building
    • The product of 1,10 € multiplied by the total estimated annual primary energy savings (kWh) as derived from 1st EEP
    • The product of 220€ multiplied by the total square meters of the main areas of the eligible house as derived from form E9
  • The maximum eligible cost of the other expenses, including the cost of issuing A’ & B ‘ EPC, the project consultant’s fee, the cost of issuing an Electronic Building Identity, the cost of issuing permits/approvals /studies cannot exceed €2,500.
  • The cover the cost of the required interventions, there is the option to combine grant, borrowing and / or own funds.
  • The minimum energy goal that must be achieved through the energy upgrade interventions for all categories of applications (individual apartment, detached house, apartment building), is as follows: upgrade by three (3) energy categories, in relation to the existing classification in the 1st EEP (and compulsory at least B’ category when it comes to radical renovation, in order to ensure energy savings of more than 30%.

Detailed information about the program can be found on the ministry's website https://exoikonomo2023.gov.gr,

Why should you participate in the "Exoikonomo 2023 " Program

" Exoikonomo 2021" Program allows you to:

  • upgrade your main residence,
  • save energy and money,
  • contribute to the protection of the environment

In addition, you benefit from:

  • 10.000 yellows* after the final disbursement of the loan  
  • Green Consumer Loan** with preferential interest rate and zero loan application assessment fee is available, to cover green needs 
  • ERGO My Home, home insurance program from 1,7€/sqm***

* Yellows will be credited to the account of the main borrower of the loan, who must be a member of the yellow Rewards Program, up to 35 days after the final disbursement of the loan

** Green Consumer Loan is offered regardless of the financing choice of the project, i.e., either with a loan or own funds

*** The price is indicative for an apartment of 90 sq.m., in Athens, built in 1990, with building coverage of 135.000€ and insurance policy exemptions are applied. Terms and conditions apply.

Furthermore, you receive:

 1.  Loan with preferential terms

    • 100% subsidized* rate, for the entire loan duration
    • Full or partial early repayment of the loan, without penalty
    • Guarantee of the Greek State** for the beneficiaries of the 1st category
    • No loan expenses
    • No collaterals

* The loan interest subsidy will be automatically be discontinued in case of late payment of 3 installments of your loan.

**100% guarantee is provided for house ownership and 80% for rental/donation.

 2.  Up to 75% grant

Depending on your family and income situation and the use of the eligible residence (owning/renting/donation), the subsidy on the cost of interventions amounts to up to 75%. New "Exoikonomo 2023" program provides the possibility of granting advance payment to suppliers from the grant, up to 70%, thus immediately paying off a large part of the total cost of the project. This option is activated after the Delegation Decision issuance and loan advance distribution.

 3.  Free Project Consultant services

The submission of the application, the monitoring of its progress, the detailed recording of the required data and the posting of supporting documents on the Information System of the Program until the final disbursement should be assigned to a technical project consultant.The project consultant's fee is considered to be eligible expense, in accordance with the maximum limits mentioned in the Program Implementation Guide and is paid upon the total disbursement by the Bank, provided that the application is submitted and the minimum energy goal of the program is met.

 4.  Covering the cost of Energy Inspections

Τhe program requires for two energy inspections to be carried out and the respective Energy Performance Certificates (1st &2nd EPC) to be issued. The total cost of the two energy inspections is fully covered by the Program, in accordance with the maximum limits mentioned in the Program Implementation Guide, provided that the application is submitted, and the minimum energy goal of the program is achieved. It is mentioned that the cost of 1st EPC is eligible only if it has been issued by 01/02/2020. EPC that have been issued after 27/11/2017 can be used at the program but in this case their expenses are not covered by the Program. For each energy inspection, you pay the inspectors' fee with your own money, and at the final disbursement of the program, inspectors fees are credited to your account, based on the receipts you enter in the Information System. The inspector of the second energy inspection that will take place after the implementation of the interventions (2nd EPC), must be different from the inspector of the first energy inspection (1st EPC). The selection process will be carried out under the responsibility and authority of the Technical Chamber of Greece (T.E.E.) following a public lottery, during which the relevant legislation on the incompatibility of Energy Inspectors will be observed.

 5.   Covering the costs for potential assessments / required approvals-licenses / Electronic Identity of the Building

Expenses for any licenses/approvals issued or assessments required by the current legislation on the implementation of interventions (such as fee for the approval of small-scale construction works, fee for the assessment of internal gas installation), as well as the fee for the Electronic Identity of the Building, are all covered by the Program and are paid upon the total disbursement of the loan. Especially for the Electronic Identity of the Building the amount will remain in your account, as you should play for it with your own money when it is issued.

 6.   Covering the managing cost of the loan

You are not charged with loan application expenses, as these are covered by the Program.

Loan Features

Loan amount

Up to 13.500€, depending on the responding category of the program.

Interest rate

The interest rate is fixed for the entire loan duration, set at 6,50%. In all categories, the interest rate is fully subsidized for the entire duration of the loan, except for the levy of Law 128 / 75. The levy today set at 0.12% and is paid by the borrower.


4, 5 or 6 years


The loan disbursement takes place gradually, credited directly to the bank account of the suppliers/ contractors as below:

  • Advance payment: amounts to 70% of the loan
  • 2nd partial disbursement: the remaining amount of the loan

Note: The remaining amount of grand and all other benefits of the program (interest already paid until the second partial disbursement, 1st & 2nd energy inspection fees, fee for any project consultant, fee for the Electronic Identity of the Building) will be disbursed in accordance.


The loan is repaid in monthly interest-bearing installments.
From the first gradual disbursement of the loan until its final disbursement, all the interest is paid by the customer. Following the completion of the project and provided that the energy goal is achieved, and you are entitled to the benefits of the program, the interest you have paid is returned to your account and the interest rate is fully subsidized.
The loan interest subsidy will be automatically stopped in case of late payment of 3 installments of your loan.
Installments are paid automatically each month through your deposit account.

Early repayment option

Full or partial, free of charge


No collaterals are required
100 % guarantee of the Greek State is provided for the beneficiaries of the 1st category,for house ownership and 80% for rental/donation.


  • No loan expenses
  • In case that your supplier/ contractor cooperates with a different financial institution, you will be charged with remittance costs, according to the Bank’s, Pricing Policy, upon paying the suppliers.

Financial Loan Pre-approval Documents «Exoikonomo 2023»

 1.  For citizens of the EU member-states:

Valid passport or ID card from your country of origin (in Latin characters). It is required for all loan participants

For non-EU citizens:

    • Valid residence permit, for all loan participants
    • Valid passport from your country of origin or Special ID Card for Aliens of Greek Descent or Alien’s ID Card (if you are not of Greek descent) for all loan participants.

 2.  Proof of income documentation:

For employees/pensioners:

    • Income tax return form of last year for Greek citizens and of the last three years for EU and non-EU citizens
    • Income tax statement (E1 form) of the last fiscal year
    • For employees, last payroll slip or an official annual income certificate from the employer’s accounting office. The certificate must include all income details (recruitment date, gross and net earnings, social security contributions and tax)
    • For pensioners, latest quarterly pension statement or the latest pension payment slip

For freelance professionals/ entrepreneurs / farmers:

    • Income tax return forms of the last two years for Greek citizens and of the last three years for EU and non-EU citizens
    • Income tax statement (E1 form) of the last fiscal year
    • Documents for the last two years proving the turnover of the sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited company, etc. (E3 or N form) for Greek citizens and of the last three years for EU and non-EU citizens
    • Certificate of dividend yield if you are shareholder in a company.

If you are a Piraeus Bank customer, it is possible that the identification documents that you provided to the Bank in the past may be outdated. In this case, you will need to provide updated documents.

How to participate

The application is submitted only digitally through the Information System of the official web portal of the program (https://exoikonomo2023.gov.gr), at the dates set by the program guide, which may be modified, if it is necessary and be announced on the above website of the Program.

The deadline for application submission is set between 12 June 2023 and 15 November 2023, according to the program guide.

With a Joint Ministerial Decision published on 02/02/2024, it is possible to submit new applications,
exclusively for the beneficiaries of the 1st income category, for the period from 07/02/2024 – 29/03/2024.

Beneficiaries can apply for a loan using the program's Information System activated since 23/09/2024.

For further information on the program, please visit:

For further information on how to get a loan through Piraeus Bank through the" Exoikonomo 2023» Program:

    • Visit a branch of the Bank
    Find a nearby store

    • Contact the Bank's telephone service on 210 32 88 000

Brief Program Procedure

 1.   Online application at the program’s official site https://exoikonomo2023.gov.gr

 2.   Registration of income and property data in the Program's Information System, conducting automated electronic eligibility checks, recording the required supporting documents, receiving the energy data of the 1st EPC, and submitting a proposal with the costs of interventions and other expenses.

 3.   Submission of the application to the Program and receipt of a unique protocol number.

 4.   The total score of the application is automatically calculated based on the evaluation criteria of the Program and ranking provisional lists per region with "eligible" and “runners-up" applications are drafted.

 5.   Submission of Electronic Identity of the building, only for the “eligible" applications, within an exclusive deadline of seventy-five (75) days.

 6.   After the evaluation of the applications and the issuance of Provisional Lists of Eligible / Runners-up / Rejected applications per region, the right to appeals is given within an exclusive deadline of ten (10) days.

 7.   Final Lists of Approved / Runners-up / Rejected applications per P.E. are issued and budget is committed

 8  Choice of funding scheme (own funds or loan) within an exclusive deadline of 10 days.

 9.   If loan option has been selected: completion of required loan application fields & posting of financial pre-approval documents in the Information System, loan evaluation and financial pre-approval.

10 Declaration of a bank account in the Information System for crediting the grant.

11.   Delegation Decision issuance in the Program by the implementary of the Program (Technical Chamber of Greece).

12.   Deposition of the grant advance to the declared bank account.

13.   Attendance at the bank & loan agreement signing within an exclusive deadline of 90 days from the Delegation Decision issuance (If loan option has been selected).

14.    Down payment loan disbursement (If loan option has been selected) and suppliers/contractors payment, using loan amount or own funds through bank account.

15.   Payment of suppliers/contractors by grant advance, according to the orders have been entered in the program's Information System.

16.   Implementation of the interventions within 12 months from the issuance of the Delegation Decision (with the possibility of extension up to ninety 90 days) & carrying out a 2nd Energy inspection.

17.   Attachment of documentary expenses & other supporting documents in the Information System & file control by the Technical Chamber of Greece.

18  Approval of the project by the Beneficiary (Hellenic Development Bank) total loan disbursement (if loan has been selected) / grant / benefits & repayment of suppliers.