The financing of green business investment plans must meet the following conditions:
- Contracts that concern new financing from the bank
- The purpose of the financing is defined as "investment", and in no case does it relate to (a) refinancing of existing borrowing or lines of credit, (b) financing program for the payment of dividends or share purchases, or (c) financing of Acquisitions and Mergers
- Be in the form of a regular maturity loan with a term of 2 to 10 years, including any grace period of up to 24 months
- To be expressed in euros
- They should prove, through the submitted Business plan and during implementation by submitting relevant documents, that the transformation projects concern one or more of the following eligible sectors:
Green Mobility Loans (Development of Green Mobility), to finance investment projects and/or part of the investment, with the aim of:
- the supply and installation of recharging and refueling infrastructure for zero- or low-emission vehicles
- the upgrading/expansion of existing energy stations to low or zero emission means of transport charging stations
- the creation of local units of production or storage of electricity through RES, for the purposes of operating the recharging infrastructur
Loans for energy upgrade. Financing of investment projects with the aim of upgrading the energy efficiency of industrial, craft and commercial business premises. When the investment concerns energy efficiency projects in buildings, the eligible costs are the total costs of the energy efficiency project.
Financing of Energy Service Companies (ESCos). These are companies that provide energy services to end-users of energy, including the supply and installation of energy-efficient equipment and/or the renovation of buildings.
Green Renewable Energy (Renewable Energy Sources), for the financing of investment projects and for SMEs always concerns new facilities to purchase and install the equipment, the configuration of the space, the production, storage, distribution and transmission of the produced energy, which originates from renewable sources, namely: Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Geothermal Energy, Hydroelectric Energy.
In any case the Eligible Expenditure will not include:
- the purchase of land, unless it is technically necessary for the investment, in which case it may be financed up to 10% of the total business plan
- the purchase of agricultural land
- the purchase of goodwill, licences or rights to exploit mineral resources and production rights in the agricultural sector
- customs duties, taxes, fees and levies
The loan will not be used to finance activities excluded by Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid.
Documentation of the use of the loan is required with relevant expense documents in accordance with the submitted business plan.
Documents that are paid out of own funds after the date of application to the Financial Institution and before disbursement are financed and the proceeds of the disbursement are credited to the company.