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How do I install the Piraeus app?

Download the Piraeus app from App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android) or App Gallery (Huawei) by typing Piraeus app and click Get (iOS) or Install (Android) or Install (Huawei).

I forgot / blocked my Piraeus e-banking password

If you have activated the SMS extraPIN feature and you know your username but don't remember your password, you can reissue your password by starting the process from here.

In any case, password reissuance continues to be provided through the bank's branch network.

Which credit cards are available via Piraeus e-banking?

For the features in detail, please select the credit card you are interested in.

How do I get a Piraeus e-loan?

In 3 simple steps
1. Design your loan

Through the specially designed tool you select:

  • loan amount
  • duration of the loan
  • loan rate
2. Register your application at any time
  • Confirm your basic personal and professional information
  • Attach the necessary supporting documents
  • Complete the registration of the application
3. Loan disbursement
  • Your application is assessed by the bank
  • Once the application is approved, you sign the contract documents with an approved electronic signature (OTC)
  • The money is credited to your account

Find the detailed steps of the e-loan acquisition process here.

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HDB Green Co-Financing Loans

Implement your green investment plans with co-financing from the Hellenic Development Bank-HDB.


€80,000 - €8,000,000


2 - 10



Fixed or variable

(based on Euribor 3m) plus spread


Based on bank invoice

Piraeus Bank, in collaboration with the Hellenic Development Bank – HDB offers you financing on preferential terms, combining a two-year subsidy of interest with partly interest-free financing, aiming at financing business investment plans that will involve green investments.

The loans are co-financed by a Fund managed by the Hellenic Development Bank (HDB), with resources financed by the Greek State and the European Investment Bank.


  • Interest-free co-financing by 40% from HDB
  • Two-year interest rate subsidy
  • Grace period up to 2 years
Product details

Ready to take the next step?

We are at your disposal to support you in all steps of the process.

Product details
  • Features
  • Eligibility criteria
  • How to get it
Purpose of funding
Investment purpose loans for the financing of green business investment plans.
The loans are co-financed by 40% from interest – free capital from HDB.
Amount of funding
€80,000 - €8,000,000 maximum per company
2 - 10 years, including grace period option
Grace period
Up to 24 months
Interest rate

Fixed for the entire loan term or
Variable interest rate based on Euribor 3m plus a margin
60% of the financing is paid. 40% is interest-free.

Two-year interest rate subsidy of 3% on the rest 60% of the loan amount, exclusively for SMEs that have not received funding from a previous HDB program, which:

  • is irreversibly terminated in the event of an overdue payment of for more than 30 days
  • does not cover the levy of Law 128/75 and any late payment interest rate that, in any case, is due by the customer
Interest rate notes
The interest rates are charged with the interest margin and the contribution of L.128 / 75, which currently amounts to 0.60%. The customer's final interest rate is determined on the basis of an assessment of its creditworthiness.

For Small Businesses and Professionals with a turnover of up to €2.5 million monthly or quarterly installments
For Medium Enterprises with a turnover of €2.5 million - €50 million monthly, quarterly or semi-annual installments of interest or principal
During the grace period only, interest is payable


In lump sum or in installments.

The first disbursement (lump sum in full or first installment) of the contract amount must be made within four (4) months from the signing of the contract.

In the case of partial disbursements:

  • The 1st disbursement will obligatorily take place within four (4) months from the date of signing the Contract with a final date of June 30th, 2025
  • The final date of completion of the disbursements is set within 36 months from the 1st disbursement and in any case until 30.6.2026 (disbursements final date), whichever date from the above comes first
Early repayment option
  • In full or in part, at any time, without any charge.

The capital repaid can not be refinanced.

Up to 100% of the loan amount
Expiry of the programme
The programme will expire on 30.06.2025.
Eligible companies

The programme is aimed at very small, small and medium enterprises.

  • Eligible are SMEs* operating legally in Greece, except for non-residents, holding companies in other companies, companies in the financial sector, companies listed on the stock exchange, public bodies and their subsidiaries, OTAs and their subsidiaries for which the following apply:
  • The NACE code with the highest revenue is eligible
  • Maintains an establishment and operates in Greece legally and has been established up to the time of submission of the financing application to the bank
  • It is not considered a Troubled Business**
  • It is considered a credit-acceptable business in accordance with the applicable credit policy and the bank's internal procedures
  • It has not been subject to Insolvency
  • It does not present an overdue debt of more than 90 days in its existing loan obligations at the date of the financing application
  • There are no grounds for exclusion of Article 40 of Law 4488/2017 (A 137/13.9.17), as applicable
  • There is no pending order for the recovery of previous unlawful and incompatible state aid based on an EU or CJEU decision
  • If it has joined HDB programs (formerly ETEAN), which have been completed or are in force and has not shown adverse transactional behavior in the repayment of its debts (loan termination or overdue debts for a period of more than ninety (90) days) or in the case where it has shown adverse transactional behavior (loan termination or overdue debts for a period of more than ninety (90) days), has paid its debts in full before submitting the financing application, or if it is a guarantee program, the guarantee amount has not been paid by HDB when signing the Final
  • Recipient Agreement or since the debt in question has been confirmed to the competent tax office., it has been included in a regulation regime, which continues to be in force on the date of submission of the financing application
  • It has not been barred by a barring decision from the EIB both at the time of submitting a financing request to the Bank and at the time of concluding the Final Recipient Agreement in accordance with the EIB Barring Policy ( /accountability/anti-fraud/exclusion/index)

In addition, the company should not participate in activities that:

  • Aim at the production or trade of weapons and ammunition, explosives, equipment or infrastructure specially designed for military use, as well as equipment or infrastructure that has the effect of restricting the individual rights and freedom of people (e.g. prisons, detention centers of any kind) or the violation of human rights
  • Cause environmental impacts, which are not largely mitigated and/or compensated (including, but not limited to, projects in protected areas, critical habitats and cultural heritage sites)
  • Considered morally or ethically controversial, such as human cloning research and animal testing
  • Health technology related to human cloning for research or therapeutic purposes and genetically modified organisms / food
  • Considered illegal and prohibited by national law
  • Associated with online gambling, casinos and illegal activities (pornography, illegal penetration of electronic networks, illegal embezzlement of electronic data)
  • In the field of decommissioning or construction of nuclear power plants
  • Associated with the production or facilitation of the use of games of chance and related equipment/betting and
  • They target the production, processing, processing or specialized distribution of tobacco, as well as activities that facilitate the use of tobacco, e.g. "smoking rooms"

*An enterprise is considered any entity, regardless of its legal form, that carries out an economic activity. It includes in particular self-employed persons and family businesses, which carry out a craft or other activity, as well as personal companies or associations of persons, which regularly carry out an economic activity.
**The application of the last sentence of par. 4c of Art. 1 of the GAS, according to which companies that were not problematic on December 31, 2019, but became problematic during the period from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021.

Eligible expenditure

The financing of green business investment plans must meet the following conditions:

  • Contracts that concern new financing from the bank
  • The purpose of the financing is defined as "investment", and in no case does it relate to (a) refinancing of existing borrowing or lines of credit, (b) financing program for the payment of dividends or share purchases, or (c) financing of Acquisitions and Mergers
  • Be in the form of a regular maturity loan with a term of 2 to 10 years, including any grace period of up to 24 months
  • To be expressed in euros
  • They should prove, through the submitted Business plan and during implementation by submitting relevant documents, that the transformation projects concern one or more of the following eligible sectors:

Green Mobility Loans (Development of Green Mobility), to finance investment projects and/or part of the investment, with the aim of:

  • the supply and installation of recharging and refueling infrastructure for zero- or low-emission vehicles
  • the upgrading/expansion of existing energy stations to low or zero emission means of transport charging stations
  • the creation of local units of production or storage of electricity through RES, for the purposes of operating the recharging infrastructur

Loans for energy upgrade. Financing of investment projects with the aim of upgrading the energy efficiency of industrial, craft and commercial business premises. When the investment concerns energy efficiency projects in buildings, the eligible costs are the total costs of the energy efficiency project.

Financing of Energy Service Companies (ESCos). These are companies that provide energy services to end-users of energy, including the supply and installation of energy-efficient equipment and/or the renovation of buildings.

Green Renewable Energy (Renewable Energy Sources), for the financing of investment projects and for SMEs always concerns new facilities to purchase and install the equipment, the configuration of the space, the production, storage, distribution and transmission of the produced energy, which originates from renewable sources, namely: Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Geothermal Energy, Hydroelectric Energy.

In any case the Eligible Expenditure will not include:

  • VAT
  •  the purchase of land, unless it is technically necessary for the investment, in which case it may be financed up to 10% of the total business plan
  •  the purchase of agricultural land
  •  the purchase of goodwill, licences or rights to exploit mineral resources and production rights in the agricultural sector
  •  customs duties, taxes, fees and levies

The loan will not be used to finance activities excluded by Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid.

Documentation of the use of the loan is required with relevant expense documents in accordance with the submitted business plan.

Documents that are paid out of own funds after the date of application to the Financial Institution and before disbursement are financed and the proceeds of the disbursement are credited to the company.

Application on the "Know Your Customer (KYC)" HDB platform
1. Once a series of eligibility criteria are checked, your application is sent to the bank of your choice
2. Selection of bank by the applicant
3. Τhe bank expresses its high-level interest in receiving application, "Interested" Status
4. You receive a unique code per bank which you will enter during your application at in the
Application at
  1. Enter with your personal codes (in case of lack of codes you must register)
  2. Fill in the details of the business to be financed in the application adding the unique code generated by the "Know Your Customer (KYC)" HDB platform
  3. Select Piraeus Bank to submit your request
  4. Finalize and submit your application to the system
Application for financing a Piraeus Bank branch

Once the application process has been completed at, you may visit a Piraeus Bank branch, bringing along the printed application form.

HDB Green Co-Financing Loans

The European Investment Bank (EIB), the financial institution of the European Union established in accordance with Article 309 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, collaborates alongside with the Hellenic Development Bank (HDB), the Greek State and the Financial Intermediaries, in order to finance investment programs that contribute to the goals of the European Union. Learn more about the European Investment Bank (EIB) in supporting enterprises here.

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