Businesses - Photovoltaic System Installation Guide for Net-Metering

What you should know about net-metering

What is the Net-metering Program?

This incentive scheme allows you to produce your own electrical energy by installing a photovoltaic (PV) system at your premises (be it your home or enterprise). The scheme allows compensating production and consumption of energy on an annual basis, thus reducing drastically your electricity bill.

This incentive scheme was established by a Ministerial Decision in 2014 (ΥΑ ΑΠΕΗΛ/Α/Φ1/οικ.24461 (ΦΕΚ Β’ 3583/31.12.2014) and supports the installation of fixed-tilt PV systems for self-consumption, by compensating production and consumption of energy.

By adopting net-metering, you drastically reduce electricity costs, while helping in environmental protection as the solar energy produced is clean and renewable.

How does it work?

Once you install a PV system:

 1.  If the energy produced on an annual basis equals your consumption, you will only pay a part of the electricity bill (some of the taxes you currently pay with your bill) to your current electricity provider.

 2.  If the energy produced on an annual basis is less than your consumption, you will also pay the cost for the extra energy consumed and not self-produced by your PV system.

 3.  If you produce more energy on an annual basis than you actually consume, the extra energy produced is not compensated but is fed to the grid for free.

What is the gain?

  • You reduce the electricity bill as you are a producer as well as a consumer (prosumer) of electrical energy
  • You are not influenced by any future increases on the cost of electrical energy provided to you by your electricity provider.
  • You protect the environment as you use renewable solar energy.

Who can participate?

The program is open to individuals, businesses and organisations (both public and private), who either own or have the legitimate use (e.g. by leasing) of the space where the PV is installed (in this case the written consent of the owner will be needed).

How to proceed

For entering the Program you need to take the following steps:

 1.  Attain a technical study and a financial offer by an installer or a competent engineer describing the PV system that is appropriate for your needs.

 2.  Apply for grid connection to the local office of the Grid Operator (HEDNO S.A.). The application forms and relevant informative material can be found at the website of HEDNO S.A.

 3.  With the grid connection application, the technical study and the financial offer in hand, you can contact any Piraeus Bank branch to discuss the financing of your project.

 4.  You then sign a “Grid Connection Contract” with the Grid Operator and pay the relevant fees (300 € to 390 € plus VAT for individuals and 300-650 € plus VAT for businesses).

 5.  Apply for a “Net-metering Contract” with your electricity provider.

 6.  Sign a “Net-metering Contract” valid for 25 years.

 7.  Disbursement of your loan by Piraeus Bank commences immediately after the signing of both the “Grid Connection Contract” and the “Net-metering Contract”.

 8.  Apply for activating the PV system connection to the grid to the local office of the Grid Operator.

 9.  Activation of the PV system connection to the grid.