Simultaneous execution of different kinds of payments and remittances.Significant time and cost effectiveness.
Flexibility regarding the means available for the creation and submission of mass payments & payroll.
Organization of your transactions in customized Lists for easy and quick processing and future submission.
Full and detailed online information on the status of your transaction execution.
Availability of response files to facilitate reconciliation in your ERP.
Historic view of your payments per file.
Depending on your business' operational capabilities, “Piraeus4All” gives you the following options for executing your bulk payments:
- Dedicated menu in Piraeus web banking for the creation and submission of lists with mass payments and payroll.
- Creation of mass payments and payroll files through your ERP, according to technical specifications (ISO 20022) provided by Piraeus Bank, that can be submitted through Piraeus web banking or secure ftp server.
Specifications & Supplementary Documentation
For security reasons, Piraeus Bank requires files to be encrypted using the PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) standard.
Encryption Guide (Greek only currently)
Test Environment Public Key
Production Environment Public Key