Eligible categories of customers for funding are:
- Professional farmers, young farmers, agricultural cooperatives, producer groups and organisations
- SMEs that are established and operating in Greece, and are being active in processing / marketing and/or development of Agricultural Products in specific sectors (*)
and meeting, among others, the following eligibility criteria:
- It is established and operated legally in Greece
- It is classified as very small, small or medium enterprises
- It is considered a credit-acceptable business and is tax and insurance aware at the time of loan disbursement, based on the bank's criteria
- There are no grounds for exclusion of Article 40 of Law 4488/2017 (A 137/13.9.17), as applicable
- No financial correction decision is pending against them for amounts unduly paid from the EAFRD
- Not have been subject to collective insolvency proceedings or meet the conditions under the domestic law to which they are subject to be subject to collective insolvency proceedings at the request of their creditors. As at 31.12.2019 they are not considered problematic (as mentioned in point 18 of article 2 of Regulation 651/2014). In case of Very Small and Small Enterprises regardless of whether they were “in difficulty” on 31.12.2019, they are eligible provided that they have not been subject to collective insolvency proceedings under national law and have not received rescue aid or restructuring aid, or if they have received rescue aid , they have repaid the loan or terminated the guarantee agreement at the time of submitting this application or if they have received restructuring aid, they are no longer subject to a restructuring plan at the time of submitting this application. This also applies to SMEs which, even if they were in difficulty on 31.12.2019, have taken corrective actions before submitting the funding request as well as to those who submit an application to PSKE from 1 July 2022 onwards under the De minimis regulation.
- It is not active in prohibited sectors, as defined in the relevant policy of the Fund administrator
- Meat, such as cattle, poultry, pigs, sheep and goats slaughterhouses, meat and production of meat products, sausage units, animal by-products processing plants
- Milk, such as milk processing, production of dairy products, cheese, yoghurt
- Eggs, including egg packing
- Sericulture, apiculture, heliciculture
- Feed, such as the production of animal feed mixtures for the rearing of domestic animals, as well as animals used for the production of fur
- Cereals, such as flour production, cereal drying
- Oil products, excluding the establishment of new olive oil mills
- Wine
- Fruits and vegetables
- Flowers, such as flower packing and marketing
- Pharmaceutical and aromatic plants
- Seeds and propagating material
- Vinegar, such as production of vinegar from wine, fruit and other agricultural raw materials