Manage your finances and feel safe with the bank's products.
Piraeus University Credit Card
Get the Piraeus University Credit Card with free subscription for the 1st year with a credit limit of 300€ without any proof of income.
Pay & Save Savings Service
Now you can start saving without changing your daily habits. With the Pay & Save service, every purchase you make with your debit card is rounded up to the next €1 or €5 and the difference is automatically transferred from the account linked to the card to your savings account.
Student Loan: "Knowledge and Skills"
With the Piraeus Bank Consumer loan for Knowledge and Skills, you cover the cost of any educational and cognitive need you may have, at any time of your life.
ERGO Secure Wallet Plus* Personal Property Insurance Program
Did you lose your wallet with your card in it? Now with ERGO Secure Wallet Plus Program you have a simple insurance plan. You can secure immediate compensation in case of theft or loss of your personal belongings, such as glasses, tablet, house or car keys, handbag, wallet, ID card etc. You also have a low premium.
* Piraeus Financial Holdings Limited Company, as an insurance intermediary, carries out the activity of distributing the insurance products of the insurance companies with which it maintains cooperation, using the network and certified employees of Piraeus Bank.