The mobile extraPIN declaration process is done online and can be completed within a few minutes. A prerequisite is:
- have an active Piraeus Bank debit card in your possession
- be registered to Piraeus phone banking
To declare a mobile extraPIN, follow the steps below:
1. Log in to Piraeus e-banking with your credentials. From your profile select "Security Settings" and then "extraPIN".
2. Then select "extraPIN Mobile" and then "Register".
3. Enter the mobile phone number, on which you want to receive the extraPIN codes. Select "Next".
4. You will receive a confirmation code by SMS. Enter the code in the corresponding field and select "Next".
5. Confirm the mobile phone number you declared and select "Submit".
6. Your application has been successfully registered and you can see the application number in the corresponding field. Note the application number.
You can then proceed to activate the extraPIN service as follows:
1. Contact the Call Center at 210 32 88 000. A call is charged to a landline or mobile or depending on the tariff policy of the telecommunications provider you are using, for calls from home or abroad.
2. Log in to Piraeus phone banking by saying "Connect to Phone Banking.
3. Once you are logged in, enter your application number. In case you have not written down the application code, the representative can locate it in order to complete the process.
Note: The extraPIN mobile activation process will only be completed when you log in to the Piraeus phone banking service to declare your application number. If you are not registered at Piraeus phone banking service, you can register by calling the above phone number. After your registration, you can connect promptly to the service and declare the above application number to the representative of Piraeus Bank.